
March 26, 2010

vancouver holiday . . .

well it's taking me way to long to go through the photos from the paralymics & our trip so thought better post something as is already becoming a forgotten memory! after all the reading about security & line ups i decided i would take my little lumix point & shoot camera. it would make life a lot easier & i must say i was impressed with it's output! so this photo was taken just coming over the granville bridge as we were pretty tired at this point as bri had biked & i ran stanley park & the seawall (12k) & we had walked through downtown with hopes of lunch at granville island & market area. we did have a lovely lunch & then strolled up granville street stopping at our favorite stores along the way . . . restoration hardware, chapters, pottery barn, meinhardt's grocery & bakery & a few art galleries. our final destination was karl & diane's for supper & evening. it was so great to see their new pad & hang out with baby kaitlyn. we also were delighted with the news that another baby is on the way!

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