
March 31, 2010

running in vancouver . . .

i've been dreaming about my running days in vancouver . . . even the hotel's treadmill was a nice change with buildt in tv's & a view of the rooftop pool & the downtown city below. on two mornings we got up early & rented bri a bike & while he biked i ran around the sea wall & stanley part (12k) . . . some of the incredible views along the way . . .

we usually started or ended at a starbucks as there was one everywhere you looked :)

March 30, 2010

a strange resemblance . . .

ran into this very cool little work of art in the calgary airport
& right away it reminded me of my darling husband & how
i picture some of his busy days at work or his mornings trying
to get out the door or dashing between meetings & clients in
attempts to get home on time at the end of the day . . .

March 26, 2010

vancouver holiday . . .

well it's taking me way to long to go through the photos from the paralymics & our trip so thought better post something as is already becoming a forgotten memory! after all the reading about security & line ups i decided i would take my little lumix point & shoot camera. it would make life a lot easier & i must say i was impressed with it's output! so this photo was taken just coming over the granville bridge as we were pretty tired at this point as bri had biked & i ran stanley park & the seawall (12k) & we had walked through downtown with hopes of lunch at granville island & market area. we did have a lovely lunch & then strolled up granville street stopping at our favorite stores along the way . . . restoration hardware, chapters, pottery barn, meinhardt's grocery & bakery & a few art galleries. our final destination was karl & diane's for supper & evening. it was so great to see their new pad & hang out with baby kaitlyn. we also were delighted with the news that another baby is on the way!

March 23, 2010

happy 10th birthday claire . . .

can't believe ten years ago you came into this world! you have been such a joy to see grow & can't imagine our little family without you! i love your tender & caring heart for those around you & the way you get excited about the little things in life :) i love your imagination & your need to create. we all appreciate the music you make each day & the hard work you do on your violin. i hope you continue to share your gift of playing for others to enjoy & thank you for filling our home with music each day. i pray you will stay close to jesus & continue to look for ways to love him & those around you. happy 10th birthday sweetheart . . . looking forward to celebrating with you today!

March 21, 2010

sask valley music festival . . .

girls performed in this year's festival before we left on our vancouver trip. both worked so hard this year & for the record emma kate performed four piano pieces . . . Sonatina in A Minor, Op.88 No.3 (3rd movement), In Dreams (from 'Lord of the RIngs'), Seven Variations on a Ukranian Folk Song, Op.51 No.4 & Hymns of Praise Medley. She went on to receive the 13/14 year old award & scholarship for $100 & performed at the final awards concert. Claire performed three violin numbers . . . Concerto No.2 in G Major, Op.13, 3rd movement, Donkey Doodle & Concertino in D Major, 1st movement. She went on to receive a memorial award & scholarship for $50. We were all so happy & relieved the week was over . . . my tired & happy girls!

March 12, 2010

we're gearing up . . .

we received our olympic gear package from deloitte filled will all sorts of goodies. we are being put up at the hyatt regency hotel in down town vancouver. will be seeing three events . . . curling & sledge hockey gold medal game & friday morning a car will be picking us up at the hotel & taking us up to whistler for the alpine skiing event & to spend the day! we have wednesday to ourselves so are trying to plan what we want to do. don't want to pack too much in as this really need to be relaxing & most enjoyable for both of us. thinking we will focus on the water front as near our hotel . . . stanley park, granville island & street (already salivating thinking about all those little bakeries!) & then robson street. hope to take in some great restaurants too. will be so great to get away as soooooo needing a holiday. lots to do on the home front before take off though!

March 01, 2010

vancouver olympics 2010 . . .

have not posted in a while as have been consumed with the olympics the past two weeks. we spent many hours huddled around the tv as a family watching & cheering on the athletes. we watched all events but really enjoyed the ice skating, curling & how about that final gold medal hockey game! so proud to be canadian!
brian & i are busy with the details of our upcoming trip to vancouver to take in the paralympics & will be flying to vancouver from march 16-20th. we just got our package in the mail the other day . . . our event tickets & deloitte olympic wear . . . we have one day to ourselves so trying to narrow it down to what we want to take in. i'm also trying to map out some awesome running routes to do while out there . . . oh it's all so exciting!